Monday 6 July 2015

Health on a Plate 2015

If you could eat the healthiest meal, what would it be?   A bowl of green gazpacho, a freshly made salad with organic leaves picked from your garden, a fat-free Portobello mushroom burger,  a fruit filled sugar-free dessert?  I'm sure each one of us would come up with a different dish - and why not?   The options are endless and eating well has never been easier or more exciting!  

I'm particularly thrilled to see so many young people these days getting interested in naturally healthy foods. With so many bright, talented food writers and bloggers spreading the word and offering inspiration and encouragement,  there has never been a better time to eat healthily. At last, taking care of our bodies is trendy!  Gone are the days when we were considered cranky odd bods who ate nut roasts and lived on salad leaves!

With more and more people diagnosed with food intolerances and allergies too,  interest in foods free from dairy, gluten and sugar is at an all time high.  The good news is that whatever your reason for trying these foods, your body is likely to benefit in all sorts of ways.  You may feel lighter or have more energy, your digestion may improve, you may even sleep better or feel more relaxed but I can guarantee you will feel better!

On all the courses I have taught at Bodnant,  it's sitting around the big wooden table together for lunch that has been a real highlight for me.  It's here that people relax after a busy morning in the kitchen and discover shared interests, new tastes and different flavours.  Eating a meal of purely plant-based foods for the first time can be a revelation. People are often surprised how filling the dishes are and how deeply satisfying it is to make your own food from scratch, using simple fresh ingredients.

Once again this year,  I'll be running a one-day course at Bodnant Cookery School called "Health on a Plate."  With a set of brand new recipes I've developed specially for this year's course,  it will be a full day focusing on the best of healthy eating.  As always, the day will be practical and very hands-on. You will be cooking and preparing food all day and receive lots of help and advice, plus you will have some wonderful food to take home too!

The course is on Sunday, 16th August from 11am to 4pm.  I do hope you'll be able to come and you will find all the details on the Bodnant website.  

Here are some more of the photos from my last course in April.