Thursday 4 November 2010

Here goes. First posting ...

Welcome to my new blog and thanks for joining me in my new exploration into food.  If you enjoy delicious eating, adventurous cooking and conscious living like me, then you’ve come to the right place!

Maybe you already know me from my monthly newsletter New Thinking New Living, which I’ve written for the past three years on a variety of lifestyle topics.  Eating for health has been one of the regular features. As food is so often in the news these days and not necessarily for the right reasons - affecting people’s lives, ruining the environment too - I felt it was time to pay more attention to what’s going on.

It’s generally accepted nowadays that our health and the condition of our bodies today has a lot to do with the food choices we've made in the past. So it stands to reason that the condition of our bodies and our health in the future will be a result of what food choices we make today.

In case you’re wondering, I don’t believe in trying to convince others of my point of view.  What I do believe is that we each have natural inclinations that make us who we are and, as it happens, concerns over the food we eat, and where it comes from, has been a constant theme throughout my life! 

When I first got my very own kitchen (well, kitchenette in a tiny bed-sit to be more precise), I suddenly discovered I had a passion for cooking.  A few years later, when I got my first pocket-handkerchief garden, I instantly found I had a passion for growing vegetables, much to the surprise of my family! When I discovered health foods and organic gardening in the early 80’s, I knew I’d found my natural home!

I’d love to share the fun and pleasure I’ve had, and am still having, experimenting with food, trying out new ideas using simple natural ingredients.  Presentation, flavour, texture and balance are all important considerations.  To me, cooking is creative and instinctive and nothing reflects our personality more than the plate of food we produce!   And if, by making more thoughtful food choices, we can become healthier and our environment benefits too, then surely that’s worth writing a blog about.   Well, that’s my thinking.

That’s all for my first post.  If you'd like to have my blog delivered straight to your Inbox, just look down the left hand column for  "Subscribe via email" and click the link below it.

Look forward to seeing you next time!

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